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10159402482117479 時間:2022-03-10 08:00 當地情況有如世界末日...... MM編 #澤倫斯基 #烏克蘭 #俄軍 #俄羅斯 |
Russia has already cut off media link with all countries. So what we now get to read and hear are all news from the western medias which are very bias and pro America. Therefore don't believe too much. |
5484217198293868 時間:2022-03-17 09:19 拜登去年曾將普丁比喻為「劊子手」,今則首次以「戰犯」稱之。克里姆林宮旋即憤怒回應。 #拜登 #普丁 #YNE |
Biden is the person who had contributed to making the war into… 更多 reality. More than a month ago he was broadcasting almost every day that Putin was going to attack Ukraine. With this all people were warned of a war. But when war broke out every one was thinking that Biden would surely send US troops to help Ukraine to defend. But Biden did not do it and continue to support Ukraine by mouth and words ! Can you really trust the US? |
10158845497470933 時間:2022-03-18 21:56 拜習通話登場! 美搶先亮底牌:陸若援助俄將「付出代價」拜習通話登場! 美搶先亮底牌:陸若援助俄將「付出代價」 |
You want people to help end the war and you still threatened people. |
5490463577669230 時間:2022-03-19 14:03 拜登警告,要是支持俄羅斯將付出高昂代價,習近平則呼籲美中要負起大國責任為和平付出努力,強調衝突對誰都沒好處。 #YVD #拜登 #習近平 |
All the US sanctions are not approved by the UN hence they are… 更多 illegal. And they are against the trading conditions of WTO. |
10158855687755933 時間:2022-03-24 15:50 普欽接班人要出現了嗎? #俄羅斯 |
What you are reading are propagandas from the American and Western media which are totally untrue. |
5506151736100414 時間:2022-03-25 14:25 英國外交官員表示,「普丁不應心存僥倖,我們將與盟友攜手,持續收緊俄國經濟的緊箍咒。」 #英國 #瑞士 #YIN |
UK is following the footsteps of US acting like robbers to seize other country's money assets from the bank. This kind of action is not acceptable to the WTO who would not openly objecting because US is considered as the world police !! Hence can we still trust the banks?? |