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1714517575556847 時間:2022-02-21 12:30 【創業大冒險】第二屆 #N世代學苑 報名最後席次✨ ✊ 承先啟後,潛力共學 ✊ 數位轉型,標竿實戰 透過「理論-實務-理論」方式聚焦輔導中小企業成效,陪伴企業主及接班團隊小步快跑🔥,達成企業轉型階段性目標! 👉 👉點選『立即報名』:https://bit.ly/3meTo2J ✦ 重量級教練及產業導師領航🤩… 更多 ✦ 擘劃自身企業數位轉型藍圖🎯 ✦ 與各產業企業夥伴共學共榮🤝 ✦ 解鎖更多教學相長機會…… 🔥 標竿企業實戰班|2/25(五) 17:00 報名截止 🔥 潛力企業共學班|3/18(五) 17:00 報名截止 📣📣 瞭解更多關於N世代學苑👉https://bit.ly/3meTo2J 📌 諮詢報名:02-2332-8558 #319, 320(N世代學苑工作小組) #第二屆N世代學苑 #產業共學 #數位轉型 【Startup Adventure】Final call to register for 2nd NexTech Academy! Uniting all learners and coaches from different industries, the first NexTech Academy last year was seriously fun. We assisted over 60 enterprise members in developing the abilities of digital transformation. In 2022, the 2nd NexTech Academy is soon to open. If you and your company are prepared to learn together, and to make differences, please join us! That is the chance to reset your company goals and reach them. Sign up now before Feb. 25 / March.18 for two different options 👉https://bit.ly/3meTo2J #NexTechAcademy #DigitalTransformation 影片
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