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10157294389326950 時間:2019-05-29 11:37 昨天,在佛羅里達的T-mobile手機店遭竊,所有有價值的東西和手機都被偷走,但是...神奇的事情發生了...華為手機一隻都沒少! https://www.8satire.com/t-mobile-store-stolen-in-florida-huawei-phones-left-intact/ 超連結 8SATIRE.COM
T-Mobile Store Stolen In Florida; Huawei Phones Left IntactIn an insane event in a T-Mobile store in Florida, a pair of robbers have stolen an entire store, but they left the Huawei phones because apparently they are worthless now. The store lost at least 30 thousand dollars in damage, but kept around 1500 worth of Huawei’s. “We thought they wou... |
被裝監視器了。😆😆 |