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1983708088311452 時間:2018-02-26 16:30 元宵節每年農曆正月初十五日舉行,慶祝農曆新年的隆重結束。這也是新年第一個滿月,象徵著春天的到來。人們通常一起享受家庭聚餐吃元宵(糯米餃子)、提燈籠和猜燈謎來慶祝這個節日。快來「僑教雙週刊」看看吧! The Lantern Festival is celebrated annually on the 15th day of the first lunar month to mark the grand finale… 更多 of the Chinese New Year celebrations. It is also the very first full moon day of the New Year, symbolizing the coming of the spring. People usually celebrate this festival by enjoying family dinner together, eating Yuanxiao (glutinous rice dumpling), carrying paper lanterns, and solving the riddles on the lanterns. Lets check the HuayuWold out! http://biweekly.huayuworld.org/index/2017/767?page=09#767-9-4 |
(≧ω≦)/新年快樂。謝謝老師大人。借分享。謝謝您 |