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657374344346353 時間:2014-07-17 17:52 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月17日上午9:52 · 介紹一件唐寅「花卉竹石」的繪畫作品。(右下角的印章是「子畏」,左下角的則是「唐伯虎」) 明四大家–唐寅【墨竹】(陳列室:210) Current Exhibit:【Ink Bamboo】(Gallery: 210) Tang Yin (1470-1524), Ming Dynasty Folding fan mounted as an album leaf, ink on paper, 16 x 41.4 cm… 更多 策展人的話: 唐寅畫竹葉,行筆揮灑,筆勢跌宕,遒勁有力。又以深淺層次變化豐富的墨色,營造出遠近前後的空間關係以及葉片正側背向。風雨中竹葉飛舞的動態一表無遺。 畫竹,以水分調節墨色,形成多層次的濃淡乾濕,在吸水性慢的「金箋」寫竹,水分滲透感倍覺濕潤,正如竹葉承雨,本幅濕氣氤氲,筆墨淋漓,氣韻酣暢,即是一例。本幅選自〈明人畫扇冊〉第七開。 In this painting of bamboo leaves, the brushwork is free and easy, the strokes unconstrained and with great energy. The rich variety of light and dark layers to the ink tones creates a spatial relationship between near and far as well as front and back, the artist also suggesting the twisting and turning of the leaves… 更多 圖片
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