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821979647855252 時間:2015-06-29 18:57 國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片 — 與 Diewox Diewox Diewox 和 Diewox Diewox Diewox2015年6月29日下午6:57 · 【夢我所夢:草間彌生亞洲巡迴展台灣站】 對草間彌生來說,圓點是構築萬物的微粒,也是通往無限的方式。而鏡子以折射延伸空間感,是草間彌生常用的創作媒材之一。國美館大廳的巨大紅底白點圓球中,有兩個暗藏玄機的球體。隨著鏡面反射延伸到整個空間的白色圓點,讓觀者有被淹沒的錯覺,並進入無限與永恆的情境中,體驗自我消融的過程。 Kusama viewed polka dots as the particle that… 更多 constructed every object, and a method to reach infinity. Mirrors are one of the media that Kusama uses as it can extend space by the reflections. Inside Dots Obsession that displayed at the main Lobby, white dos extended and fill the entire space with the reflection of mirrors, which giving visitors the illusion that they have been engulfed by circles, and under a circumstances of infinity and eternity, also experience the progress of “self-obliteration”. 原點執念 Dots Obsession 複合媒材 mixed media 尺寸可變 dimension variable 2015 圖片
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