Month: 2014-08

文章 留言
時間:2014-08-16 14:43
近日幾起氣爆意外,讓我們更加體認到,要享有安全無虞的日常生活,需要每個人積極參與,而這,就是政治的目的。 民主政治的基礎,即在公共參與。如果我們每個人都多一份關注周遭生活、參與公共事務的心,我們就能多發現一些問題,讓大家的生命財產都多一份保障。
So far I have not seen any comment/discussion about the… 更多 importance of maintenance/design improvement to secure safety. It really doesn't matter who's in charge, politically or economically, but the lack of engineering and ignorance caused the tragedy. What Ms. Tsai stated is politically correct, and it will be more beneficial to help building the technical infrastructure to prevent similar situation.