Month: 2016-05

文章 留言
時間:2016-05-11 17:30
外籍旅客退稅e化服務已經在5/1正式上路囉~只要4步驟,就可以輕鬆完成退稅! 自助退稅機總共支援8種語言,歡迎旅客多加利用! Effective since May 1, claiming VAT refunds can be made with 4 steps at any Electronic VAT Refund Machine in the airport.
As Self-service VAT… 更多 Refund is easier, faster and more convenient, we encourage foreign passengers to use this service to save time and avoid long queues. #SelfserviceVATRefund
Enjoy tax refunds! Location: 1F/Terminal 1, 2F&3F/Terminal 2
wow slot machines!!!!!!!!!!!