Month: 2020-12

文章 留言
時間:2020-12-28 15:03
【#Live】向日葵運動罷免萊委 公布首波罷免名單
國民黨22縣市連線萊豬公投連署記者會 2個月衝60萬份
立院會議紀錄曝光 這段文讓網友氣炸:給我把萊豬吞下去!
#向日葵運動 #萊豬 #罷免 #萊委 #民主監督聯盟
Can you criticize that PLA Air Force aggressive action against… 更多 Taiwan? They continue flying over Taiwan airspace. How come CTi never fart a bit? I am sorry that you are “Red” media and support by “Red” country. Stop by a coward action to against TaiwNese