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736723896380828 時間:2014-12-08 17:18 國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2014年12月8日下午5:18 · 「美好年代」指19世紀末到1914這段相對和平、科技與藝術都得到高度發展的時期。當時的花都巴黎儼然藝術首都,像塊磁鐵似的吸引了世界各地的藝術家。羅蘭珊由藝術學院結識的喬治‧布拉克引薦進入「洗衣船」工作室(蒙馬特山丘上一棟因租金便宜而吸引貧窮藝術人聚集的公寓),在這裡認識了他的摯友、她的情人,進入一個嶄新的藝術世界,也寫下一頁蒙馬特傳說。 . La Belle Epoque, or the Beautiful Era,… 更多 refers to the period before World War I when the society was relatively stable and the development of science and arts were blooming. Paris was like the capital of arts that attracted artists from all around the world. With the recommendation of George Braque, Laurencin joined Bateau Lavoir (a low-rent-apartment located in Montmartre where many poor artists gathered), where she entered a new artistic world and met her life-time lover. . 優雅的舞會或鄉村之舞 La bal elegant ou la danse a la campagne 1913 畫布與油彩 Huile sur toile 40 x30 cm 圖片
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