Month: 2020-05

文章 留言
時間:2020-05-06 12:23
勞保普通傷病給付的給付標準是以被保險人遭受傷病,住院診療當月起前6個月的平均月投保薪資之半數,自住院不能工作的第4日起發給,每半個月給付1次,以6個月為限。但傷病事故前參加保險之年資已滿1年者,增加給付6個月,前後合計共為1年。 🔹詳細說明: Ordinary Injury or Sickness Benefits
The benefits of… 更多 ordinary injury or sickness for inpatient hospitalization will be payable at the rate of 50% of the average monthly insurance salary of an insured person for a maximum period of 6 months. When an insured person has at least one full year of insurance coverage prior to the occurrence of injury or sickness, such benefits shall be payable for an additional 6 months. 🔹For more information: #勞保 #普通傷病給付
如果雇主未加保 ,自己可以申請普通傷病嗎?