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4663425167074564 時間:2021-12-24 20:00 歡迎來到華麗魔法屋! 快來魔法屋穿越時空,到二百多年前的歐洲。在這裡,「裝飾」是一種魔法,為看似平凡的生活場景與物品注入靈魂。 從大自然擷取靈感,輕快又奇幻的裝飾風格正在流行。獨特的色彩,搭配金色,深受皇室喜愛,創造了美妙愉悅的裝飾時代。 從房間的牆壁、客廳的桌子、壁爐上的時鐘、餐桌上的杯盤,到口袋裡的懷錶、香水瓶和小盒子,都充滿了自由、奇幻、浪漫的裝飾,無拘無束,華麗無比!… 更多 ************************************ Welcome to the magical room of decorations! In here, you will travel back in time to Europe over two centuries ago. In this wonderland, decoration was a magical spell that transformed spaces and objects, injecting soul into what appears commonplace and ordinary. Drawing inspiration from nature, this magic popularized a lighthearted, fantastic decorative style. Its unique palette combined with the golden color was deeply favored by the royals and the aristocrats,… 更多 影片
開展第一天,學生團一進入展間,只有一個字:「哇」。 確實吸引了年輕學生的目光跟注意。 |