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735469526536834 時間:2014-12-11 17:12 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年12月11日上午9:12 · 源頭活水來–宋遼金元玉器【元 “花間行龍” 玉頂】(陳列室:304) Current Exhibit-【Jade finial with “dragon roaming among flowers” motif】(Gallery: 304) A Fountainhead of Jade: Carvings from the Song, Liao, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties / Special… 更多 Display: Yuding Yuan dynasty (1271-1368 C.E.) 這件元朝的【花間行龍】玉頂是「(西周) 重環紋鼎」的附件。本院藏有大量的「玉頂」,以元朝作品為主。一般認為「玉頂」原置於帽上,明代的收藏者或延用原功能為帽頂,或改嵌於爐蓋上為爐頂。慣用多層次鏤空,營造層層疊疊的效果。多視角的設計手法,讓人既可享俯覽之趣,更適合環繞觀賞,許多作品豐富細膩,小中現大。 The National Palace Museum has a large collection of yuding. While most of them are dated to the Yuan dynasty, some are from the Jin period, and some are Ming and Qing imitations of the earlier objects. It is commonly thought that yuding was originally placed on the top of caps. In addition… 更多 圖片
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