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1536617143346892 時間:2021-06-09 12:00 【政策簡單說】#WFH 壓力飆! 企業主/員工心理健康愛注意(ง๑ •̀_•́)ง 居家工作還要顧小孩,上班族壓力與社交孤立感直線飆升《#哈佛商業評論》調查發現,疫情爆發以來75%受訪員工表示社交孤立感加深,67%覺得壓力倍增∑( ̄□ ̄;) 這時就得請教「#社交孤立」過來人—太空人,曾待過國際太空站的太空人也給出4條建議: ✔制定行程表,並確實執行。 ✔將休閒活動排進行程表。 ✔與親友相約視訊聚會。 ✔… 更多為自己安排獨處時間。 #居家防疫 與太空任務同為持久戰,唯有心理健康,#中小企業經營 才能真正韌性與永續٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ Working from home plus taking care of home learning kids makes employees feel much more pressure. The Harvard Business Review found that since the outbreak of the pandemic, 75% of employees interviewed have felt more socially isolated, and 67% of them reported higher stress. Some turn their eyes to the ones that are experienced in “social isolation”, astronauts. The following are the tips suggested by astronauts spending quite… 更多 |