Month: 2017-03

文章 留言
時間:2017-03-03 09:34
「華語文能力測驗」將於 2017 年 4 月8 日舉行聽讀測驗預試,報名時間從 3 月 1 日起至 3月15 日止,此次預試各等級僅酌收100元費用,考試當天還可得到小禮物,另有方案可得隨身碟,歡迎母語非華語之人士報考。名額有限,請把握機會報名!
※ 預試不提供紙本成績單和證書,考生於測驗結束後可直接於電腦螢幕上看到成績。
【詳細內容】… 更多
【預試報名】 The pilot tests of TOCFL Listening & Reading will be held on April 8, 2017. The registration period is from Mar. 1 to Mar. 15, 2017. The processing fee is only NT100 for per band and participants of this test will get a gift on that day. In addition, SC-TOP is offering special deals for an USB flash drive. Welcome the candidates who are non-native speakers of Chinese to take the test. The test seats are limited, seize the chance!
※Neither the score report nor the certificate will be offered in the pilot test. Test takers’ scores will be shown on the computer screen right after the test.
※To secure your slot, you must make your payment in 3 days once you register. 【More Details】
【Register for Test】


@{Todd Ferguson|ferguso4}去試試吧!