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3784147318281451 時間:2020-09-24 12:23 就保被保險人於非自願離職辦理退保當日前3年內,保險年資合計滿1年以上,具有工作能力及繼續工作意願,向公立就業服務機構辦理求職登記,自求職登記之日起14日內仍無法推介就業或安排職業訓練,得請領本項給付。 更多資訊:https://www.bli.gov.tw/0006445.html #就保 Unemployment Benefits The insured person should have a total of… 更多 more than 1 year of insurance coverage within 3 years before the insured person non-voluntarily leave his/her job and withdraw from the Insurance, and the insured person is able and willing to work and has registered with the public employment service institution for seeking a job and is still unable to get a job or take vocational training within 14 days after the job seeking registration date. 🔹For more information:https://www.bli.gov.tw/en/0007483.html |
請問例如今年6月被資遣,未至勞工局辦理失業補助,先自行找到工作,工作一個月後又自己離職,請問那還能拿6月份的資遣單去辦失業補助嗎? |