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654504571299997 時間:2014-07-12 15:15 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月12日上午7:15 · 上個禮拜天我們曾經介紹過溥儒的魚蝦冊,上回看的是蝦子,今天來看看另外一張「蝦與蟹」。 近代書畫名品展【民國 溥儒 魚蝦冊(蝦蟹)】(陳列室:107) Current Exhibit:【Fish, Shrimp, and Other Aquatic Creatures (Shrimp and Crab)】(Gallery: 107) Famous Works of Modern Chinese Painting and… 更多 Calligraphy P'u Ju (1896-1963), Republican period Album leaf, ink and colors on paper, 28 x 38 cm 策展人的話: 本幅為「寒玉堂」託管文物。作於民國五十一年,時六十七歲。全冊共十二幅,均以細筆寫生魚、蝦、蟹、貝類等,形象莫不真實靈動、賦彩雅淡。各幅並添附題記,或賦詩寄意,或述物種源流,逐一品賞,益能體會溥氏淵博的學養。 P'u Ju (style name Xinyu [Hsin-yu], self-styled "Recluse of West Mountain") was a native of Wanping in Hebei (modern Beijing). A descendant from the Qing imperial family, he was the grandson of Yixin, Prince Gong. P'u Ju moved to Taiwan in 1949 and taught at the fine arts… 更多 圖片
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