Month: 2020-08

文章 留言
時間:2020-08-25 12:23
普通傷病的保險醫療費用是由健保支付,但勞保被保險人如因工作受傷、上下班通勤事故或罹患職業病等職業傷病事故就醫之保險醫療費用則由勞保支付。 被保險人遭遇職業傷病門診或住院時,可至勞保局網站下載職業傷病醫療書單,經投保單位蓋章證明後,連同健保卡、身分證明文件向全民健保特約醫院或診所申請診療,免繳交部分負擔醫療費用,另享有住院30日內膳食費半數之補助。 更多資訊:… 更多 #勞保 The medical expenses for ordinary sickness or injuries are covered by the national health insurance. Such expenses, however, shall be covered by the labor insurance system when an insured person suffers from occupational injuries, illness or accidents such as if he/she is injured at work, accidents when commuting to or from the workplace, or when he/she has contracted an occupational disease. Insured persons who go to a clinic or stay in a hospital due to… 更多