Month: 2016-07

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時間:2016-07-02 19:46
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2016年7月2日下午7:46 · 【日本浮世繪ー東京富士美術館典藏精選展 即日~ 105/7/31】… 更多 武家後代的溪齋英泉活躍於1813年至1848年間,擅長妖艷的美女圖,狩野派風格的風景畫與西洋風格的風景畫也頗為拿手。畫面是夏季煙火的景象,橫跨流過江戶商業區的隅田川的「兩國橋」上,擠滿無數看熱鬧的人,河面上是熙來攘往數不清的屋型船,船上沉迷於煙火的男男女女,各自帶著不同的心思,享受著夏夜的美好。兩國橋的兩岸林立各種商店,是江戶最熱鬧的地方。作品以呈現大大弧形的橋作為中景,兩岸家家戶戶則以極端的遠近手法處理,橋下又畫了更小的下游的橋,是一幅壯觀且具有臨場感的全景圖。 Samurai descendent Keisai Eisen was active between the years of 1813 to 1848, he specialized in seductive pictures of beautiful women, but also skilled in Kano style landscapes and Western paintings. This artwork is a depiction of fireworks in the summer, took place in the Ryôgoku Bridge that spanned the Sumida River, the commercial district during the Edo era. Many people gathered on the bridge and on the countless boathouses… 更多