Month: 2021-03

文章 留言
時間:2021-03-26 12:00
「古畫動漫」專區十二月令圖換展在即, 想觀賞十二月令圖古畫動漫的朋友, 敬請把握。
“Painting Animation: Activities of the Twelve Lunar Months” exhibition is coming to an end. Visitors please take the chance to enjoy the exhibition. 古畫動漫─清院畫十二月令圖… 更多
陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 102
Painting Animation: Activities of the Twelve Lunar Months
Dates: 2020-12-29~2021-03-29
Gallery: (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I 102 自100年度起,國立故宮博物院陸續推出〈清院本清明上河圖〉等一系列故宮書畫之高解析動畫,統稱「古畫動漫」,以無接縫熔接技術將多台1080p Full HD高解析投影機,組成仿書畫長卷之長形螢幕光牆,讓觀眾置身科技畫境中,體驗中國長卷繪畫之意境。 Since 2011, the National Palace Museum initiated a series of high-resolution long scroll painting animations. Using the latest technology, several high-resolution 1080 HD projectors seamlessly… 更多