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3357060447711049 時間:2020-09-29 12:11 康熙皇帝主導推動琺瑯彩瓷,在宮廷役匠與地方好手,以及穿梭其間的西洋傳教士共同推波協力下,終於在十八世紀初燒製完成,擁有比過往更加鮮艷明亮的色澤與裝飾花紋。就像這一款銅胎畫琺瑯方盤,呈現康熙御製琺瑯彩瓷的風格特色。 【清 康熙 銅胎畫琺瑯方盤】Copper square dish in painted enamels, Kangxi reign (1662-1722), Qing dynasty 高Height 2.2… 更多 cm、最大邊長Length 18.8 cm ************************* 風格故事—康熙御製琺瑯彩瓷特展(展期:2020/08/18開始) 陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 207 Story of an Artistic Style: The Imperial Porcelain with Painted Enamels of the Kangxi Emperor Date: 18 AUG 2020~ Gallery: 207, Exhibition Area I (Northern Branch) ************************* From the 15th century, potters gradually began to take the reign year of the emperor as the mark for official wares. Especially when the mark became the regulation, we can take the examples from… 更多 |
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