國立台灣美術館 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts 1988年6月26日開館營運,隸屬文化部,為國內目前唯一國家型美術館。 403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2016年2月1日下午11:50 · 【夢‧棲地─館藏青年藝術主題展 ~2016/3/6】「現實與去現實」 藝術家從太平洋上塑膠渦流的生態現象談論「遺棄的美麗」,聯合國塑膠大板塊堪稱世界「第八洲」,而這些大小碎片,卻宛如一種「棄置的歷史」。作品《憂傷的美麗孤島》是藉此現象所虛擬的神話故事。也許,導致這繽紛分裂的原因並不單純,而是經過人為與自然的交雜積聚,產生另一種生態系的可能,或造就新的「無用物神話」。 The artist discusses "The… 更多 Abandoned Beauty” based on the ecological phenomenon of the Pacific trash vortex. This Pacific Ocean garbage patch has been referred to as “the 8th continent” and these fragments of different sizes are like a form of “deserted history”. Beautiful Island in Melancholy is a fictional myth that the artist created based on this phenomenon. Perhaps the cause behind this cluster of colorful rubbles is not so simple; it’s the result of artificial and natural mingling and accumulation, resulting in an alternative ecology or giving form to a new “mythology of useless objects”. 憂傷的美麗孤島 I, II, III Beautiful Island in Melancholy I, II, III
蕭珮宜 HSIAO Pei-I
金箔、壓克力顏料、畫布 Gold foil and acrylic on canvas
105 x 72 cm, 95 x 90 cm, 90 x 70 cm