國立台灣美術館 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts 1988年6月26日開館營運,隸屬文化部,為國內目前唯一國家型美術館。 403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2015年7月27日下午6:45 · 【夢我所夢:草間彌生亞洲巡迴展台灣站 6/6-8/30】
〈永恆的愛〉系列包含草間彌生以往的作品基調(蝴蝶、花、嘴唇、女人與狗、手提袋等),也使用重複的眼、圓點、側臉、旗幟圖騰。展場中央的六邊形鏡屋映照周圍展示的繪畫,鏡屋內裝置各色燈泡,代表人生即是在燈光明滅間不停交相閃爍,也映照出她靈魂出竅、徘徊生死之交的迷幻狀態。 This series of works shows the repeating subjects… 更多 of eyes, polka dots, side faces, waving lines or flags, also includes the motifs of butterflies, flowers, lips, women with dogs or handbags. In the center of the exhibition hall is a hexagonal room lined with mirrors, reflect the works of Love Forever. Blinking light bulbs of various colors are installed inside the room, representing life flashes as the light bulbs go on and off. It also projects her state of hallucination where her soul leaves her body and she struggles in between life and death. 永恆的愛系列 Love Forever
絹印、畫布 silkscreen on canvas