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Baseball is considered the national sport of Taiwan. It always gets public attention during international sporting events. 近日有一部電影:《K A N O… 更多 》,就是改編自1930年代,臺灣嘉農棒球隊前進日本甲子園的真實事蹟。這支球隊融合了日本人、漢人及原住民,是第一支混合不同族群,進入甲子園的臺灣球隊。
KANO, a recent film based on the true story of a Taiwanese baseball team, KANO, swept the Japanese High School Baseball Championship, or Kōshien, in 1930s. It's a team with Japanese, Han Chinese and indigenous players. It's also the first Taiwanese team consist of different ethnic groups which enters the game of Kōshien. 影片的敘事過程中,始終傳達了一種正向思考,永不放棄的精神。即使你不懂棒球,也會被劇中人物的毅力吸引。
The film tells a story of positive thinking and never give up. Even if you are not that into baseball, you will sure be touched by the persistence shown by the characters. 想知道更多關於臺灣的棒球發展史嗎?快來看數位臺灣書院的介紹吧!
Do you want to learn more about the history of Taiwanese baseball? Come check out the our introduction at Taiwan Academy. http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/culture/showtype3/67/119

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