國立台灣美術館 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts 1988年6月26日開館營運,隸屬文化部,為國內目前唯一國家型美術館。 403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2015年4月27日下午6:49 · 【形‧動國際文字影像展】實驗電影
多元實驗文字影像電影,是以文字書寫,當作電影設計的自主方法之一,通常是指建構在歷史性的前衛運動實踐上。文字在與影像的結合(大部分是去脈絡的鏡頭)中,介入無數的組合性連結,並開啟寬廣的詮釋視野。文字書寫有時候傳達多餘又矛盾的資訊;有時候即便在內容的層次上看來,文字和影像之間並無關聯,兩者的結合卻又提供了特殊美感和複雜的意義層次。 Experimental Film
Multiple… 更多 experimental Schriftfilme//Typemotion Films employ writing as one of several autonomous means of filmic design, often referencing and building on the practices of historical avant-garde movements. In combination with images, mostly decontexualized footage, writing engages in countless associative connections and opens wide interpretive horizons. Sometimes writing communicates information that is both redundant and contradictory, sometimes the combination of image and writing contributes to the particular aesthetics and complex layers of meaning in these films even though no relationship seems to exist between them on the level of content. 斷腿 Breaking Legs
德國 Germany
15分鐘 15:00 min
黑白,有聲 b/w, sound