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冷冷的天, 想起來了...
  陰陽原來意思是山的兩面,背陽面和向陽面。古人觀察這種現象,不僅是表示亮與暗,在思維上也表現兩種相對的觀點,如:男女、上下、天地、剛柔。陽代表力量與創造力,陰代表柔弱與堅忍。陽為動,陰為靜。思想上講人類應學習大自然,應該保持陰陽平衡,權宜中庸而動靜皆如,既要自強不息,也能厚德載物。 Yin & Yang,
Yin and Yang referred to the shady and sunny sides of a mountain, not only darkness and brightness, but also thoughts concerning about female/male, up/down (high/low),… 更多 sky/earth, gentleness and stableness from ancestors’ viewpoints to nature. Yang represents the strong, male, and creative power; yin, the feeble, female, and maternity. Yang was considered to be strong, creative and yin was to be quiet, stillness. Human should learn from the nature and keep balance between “yin” and “yang” as nature taking its own course to make unremitting efforts improving oneself and conserve great virtue perfecting others/things.