國立台灣美術館 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts 1988年6月26日開館營運,隸屬文化部,為國內目前唯一國家型美術館。 403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2015年2月9日下午6:22 · 羅蘭珊位於巴黎左岸的豪華公寓內,延續擅長女紅的母親的愛好,以蕾絲緞帶與精緻刺繡布置,就如同阿波里內爾形容的「法式優雅的典型」,也像是她的繪畫世界。羅蘭珊晚年的作品以一貫的淡雅粉嫩色調為主,但加入年輕時幾乎不使用的紅色與黃色。畫中的女性同樣有著珍珠色肌膚與剪水雙瞳,但早年像是精靈般的杏眼少女漸漸轉為年輕女子。
Laurencin decorated her mansion with delicate lace… 更多 and embroideries, which elegance taste came from her mother Pauline. Laurencin’s castle appeared like Apollinaire’s opinion “the model for French elegance”, or the atmosphere of her paintings. In the mature year, yellow and red, which she avoided to use in younger years, were joined in the paintings. The female figures in her paintings still have pearl skin and dark eyes, but the nymphs-like girls were painted as young women with more clearly drawn lines in their arms and legs and the forms of their faces at this time.
五名舞者與一隻狗 Cinq danseuses et un chien
畫布與油彩 Huile sur toile
58.5 x 131 cm