Cruise Keelung 基隆港旅客服務, 基隆市。 11,990 個讚 · 13 人正在談論這個。「基隆港旅客服務」由基隆港務分公司提供 基隆是臺灣國內最大郵輪港 因此我們格外重視旅客服務 也希望藉由此粉絲專頁 讓大家更了解郵輪旅遊、以及相關港口服務
Peace boat海洋夢幻號明年3/25再基隆港!!
分享 Peace Boat
[EAST ASIA VOYAGE - SPRING 2015]<br> This coming Spring, we invite you to travel and experience East Asia, the Peace Boat way!<br> From March 21 to April 2, Peace Boat will visit ports in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea,… 更多 allowing participants to gain a better understanding of the region, and engage in international exchange and dialogue onboard and in ports. This voyage will bring us back to Peace Boat's beginnings in 1983, when a group of Japanese university students chartered a ship to visit neighboring countries with the aim of learning first-hand about the war from those who experienced it, initiating people-to-people exchanges around the world. Download the English brochure here:<br> http://www.peaceboat.org/english/content/documents/Spring2015Voyage4.pdf More information on how to join available in our website:<br> http://www.peaceboat.org/english/?page=view&nr=118&type=4&menu=64