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台灣在世界的健康促進版圖上將扮演重要角色<( ̄︶ ̄)/ 第21屆國際健康促進暨衛生教育聯盟(IUHPE)研討會正在泰國舉行,國民健康署署長邱淑媞為該組織之全球副理事長之一,IUHPE已成立超過五十年,是世界衛生組織推動健康促進及非傳染病防治的最重要民間夥伴之一。 有興趣的朋友可以到下列去看看喔↓↓↓
分享 21st IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion 2013
MEET THE CEOs: FOUR KEY MESSAGES FROM THE TOP (2/2) The large audience were provided with a microphone and questions from the floor cut across a range of issues including: how best to attain cross-sectoral… 更多 involvement, avoiding mistakes when setting-up a new HP organisation, building in flexibility, overcoming resistance and political interference, identifying health inequalities and using economics to influence health systems. Four take-away key messages emerged out the session, offering crucial insights into best practice and thinking around health promotion operations. They are (1) Health promotion foundations provide a platform that ensures sustainable finance from a range of sources; (2) Sin taxes on tobacco and alcohol provide a platform for inter-sectoral governance; (3) HP Foundations provide an opportunity to apply new knowledge and innovation, and to trial new approaches; (4) HP Foundations allow a focus on health inequalities and social determinants.