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This Multi-Colored Corn Is Real And There's A Fantastic Story Behind It Glass Gem corn, a unique variety of rainbow-colored corn, became an Internet sensation in 2012 when a photo of the dazzling cob was posted… 更多 to Facebook.<br> Since then, the Arizona-based company that sells the rare seed, Native Seeds/SEARCH, has been ramping up production to meet the high demand.<br> But the story behind Glass Gem is just as remarkable. It begins with one man, Carl Barnes, who set out to explore his Native American roots.<br> The history was largely retold by Barnes' protegee, Greg Schoen, in 2012, when the corn gained national attention. We've broken out the highlights. <br> Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-story-behind-glass-gem-corn-2013-10?op=1#ixzz37rEjE7m5<br> https://www.facebook.com/glassgemcorn/timeline<br> Via - https://www.facebook.com/jamiesgardenshop
  • Nana Mon
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