生態領航家。 7,337 個讚 · 1 人正在談論這個。我們的使命【探索多元生態,分享並推廣】環境資訊,認識美麗台灣!歡迎加入生態領航家的行列→http://group.ieco.tw 行政院農業委員會林務局 http://www.forest.gov.tw 聯絡電話 : 02-23515441
大家猜這是啥~ 它是花被冰包裹住的另一面貌, 大自然界真的是無奇不有, 小編覺得很神奇!
分享 Green Renaissance──和 Suzanne Rohn 及其他 31 人。
It looks like an alien landscape, but what has been captured in this photo by João Paglione is actually the aftermath of an unusual ice storm in Atlanta, Georgia. The flower buds are completely encased in ice, giving them a whole new shape.