桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport 。 237,553 個讚 · 1,353 人正在談論這個 · 4,624,945 個打卡次。歡迎蒞臨臺灣桃園國際機場 Welcome to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.
桃園國際機場客運量將在12月下旬可望突破3,000萬人次囉!!為了迎接第3,000萬名旅客,除了舉辦「機場好味 歡樂無限」美食推廣活動,機場公司也會與內政部入出國及移民署合作,並贈送紀念品及福袋,希望可以帶給幸運的第3000萬名旅客一個大大的驚喜! In welcome of the first 30 million passengers in the coming weeks before the end of… 更多 December, Taoyuan airport is now counting down and having an Airport Food Festival!
In addition, Taoyuan airport also prepares lots of gifts and surprises to welcome the coming lucky passenger of first 30 millions!
Who will be the one of our first 30 millions? Count down with us together!! Maybe that will be just you!