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想跟外國親友介紹台灣卻苦無合適管道嗎?全方位藝人李霈瑜(大霈)也曾有這個困擾!她在瑞典念書時,想和朋友介紹台灣,卻遲遲找不到具有代表性的影片。異鄉遊子對家鄉介紹的渴望,TaiwanPlus聽到了!TaiwanPlus矢志成為傳遞台灣多元價值和聲音的平台,Bring Taiwan to the World!
快來看,台灣第一個面向國際、全英語OTT平台: TaiwanPlus Looking for a way to… 更多 introduce Taiwan to your friends around the world? Actress Patty Pei-Yu Lee found it quite difficult to do so while she was studying abroad. To fill this void, TaiwanPlus strives to offer a platform to showcase the diverse culture and voices of the people throughout Taiwan.
Watch our programs now: https://tw.plus/b6VFm
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Looking for a way to introduce Taiwan to the world through film? Look no further. TaiwanPlus has your starter kit. Taiwan+ | Bring Taiwan to the World<br> Watch our programs now👉 https://tw.plus/IxtXK #Taiwan #TaiwanPlus #Taiwanese #TaiwaneseCulture