吳思瑤, 台北市。 84,512 個讚 · 2,401 人正在談論這個。思瑤的LINE: @wusuyao (要打@唷) 電話:02-2820-5800 服務處:承德路七段196號 律師現場諮詢 法律服務時段 週一 18:00-20:00 週二至週五 15:00-17:00
今天是婦女節,你現在就可以跟思瑤和 賴清德副總統一起,打破性別不平等, #支持女孩打棒球! 推動女子運動平權,一路上要感謝許多人的支持。這是一場舉辦了一段時間的首映會活動,今天趁著婦女節的時機,再次感謝也持續推廣 #女棒20週年紀錄片⚾️
當然要謝謝副總統協助站台,還陪我們進戲院看電影❤️ 作為資深棒球迷, 賴副總統看完感動地說「棒球是這麼好的運動,應該要男女共享」,完全直指核心。… 更多 男人可以打棒球、女人當然也可以。
思瑤接下 台灣女子棒球運動推廣協會榮譽理事長的工作,最常被問到的問題就是:怎麼會是棒球,女生應該是打壘球吧!?
這種先天的偏見及不平等,我絕對不同意! 這群也想打棒球的女孩們一路碰壁,找不到教練、不知道隊友在哪、沒有專業場地願意出借、更沒有國家資源的補助支持⋯⋯
這部女棒發展20年的紀錄片,讓大家看見這些不合理、不公平,我們可以停下來想想,這樣的差別待遇應該存在嗎? 為了圓夢,女孩們沒有放棄! #2001終於組成台灣史上首支女棒社會球隊。20年過去,女孩成為女人,但推動女棒的行動沒有停止。 擔任女棒協會榮譽理事長的這兩年,思瑤支持夥伴們催生 #台灣首屆台灣女子棒球聯賽(今年聯賽2歲啦!),也拍出女棒發展20年紀錄片。
而思瑤更走進校園,告訴小小女孩們運動不分性別,思瑤姐姐全力支持成立小小女子棒球隊,培育更多的女性運動人。 現在紀錄片正 #線上預購中,連結我放在留言,歡迎大家買回家,支持女孩打棒球! #女棒好棒
  • 陳長崑
  • 成也耶
  • 陳坤宏
  • 許嘉恬
  • المعلم ابو مراد الغزالي
    The fact of Planet-X, the planet of chastisement from the decisive Book as a reminder to the possessors of understanding-minds
    O community of Muslims and the people altogether, I swear by Who raised the mighty seven and firm-fixed the earth with mountains and made Thamud and A’ad to perish and drowned the strong pharaohs; Allah the One, the Only One (non before Him and none after Him) Who there is no God other than Him nor a worthy of worship els than Him; indeed the planet of chastisement will be seen by the whole of this nation as you see the sun at the time of its rise, surely that the planet of chastisement will appear to the mortals from the poles side. and Allah’s curse on the falsifying liar by the number of the soils particles. Flee to Allah and know that Allah is severe in punishment, and follow the best of what sent down to you from your Lord in the Book before the chastisement come to you suddenly while you do not feel. And ask you Lord forgiveness surely Allah forgives the sins altogether, and turn close to Him He guides you surely Allah does not guide except who turn to Him, and know that Allah comes between man and his heart, indeed to Him you will be gathered, won't you have sense?!

    O community of Muslims and the people altogether.. who many times I sworn to you the oath of the pious and not a vow of an ungrateful nor the vow of the immoral one, in fact a vow of the Awaited Mahdi, the pious, the knowledgeable in the True explanatory-statement for the Reminder that the planet of chastisement Saqar the passing over the mortals (from time to time), a one of the major signs of the Hour is coming in my era and your era, my generation and your generation, and my time and your time. Who will save you from Allah’s chastisement if the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni is indeed truthful? and if I was a liar; surely the lie against me.. and certainly Allah does not guide who is a prodigal, tyrant.. O people, I swear by Who sent down the Book and created the human being from soil, by Allah the severe in punishment that I am the Awaited Mahdi warning you from the planet of chastisement with Allah’s permission and I debate with you in the explanatory-statement of the Book

    Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

    27 - 11 - 1430 AH
    15 - 11 - 2009 AD
    12:26 am

    read all about nibiru planet in the link belo
  • 蘇月敬
  • 黃明郎
  • 邱東漢
  • 何連貴
  • 蔡長永
  • 涂文星
  • 廖金柱
  • 邵紅
  • 洪昭華
  • 林森森
  • 林美珠
  • 蔡萬里
  • 黃定智
  • 朱保誠
  • 黃國陽
  • 洪申翰 Sun-Han
  • 林宜瑾
  • 吳思瑤

    【活動時間】3/11 (五) 14:00 (13:30報到)
    【放映地點】府中15 B1放映室 (新北市板橋區府中路15號,府中站2號出口)


  • 吳思瑤