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#愛在身編 :防疫先做好,才能避免更多憾事
#宅女小紅 #防疫 #陳時中

議員轟防疫沒人性 宅女小紅父喪挺時中:錯在隱匿病況的人

  • Spencer Lui
    I am thinking about what a shameless thing to happen when… 更多 Taiwan democracy can be used by the Chinese Traitors to have an anti-Chinese base. I have to ask Taiwanese people these questions, why Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen have to agree with the U.S President Trump request ( who will be dump in the coming November President Election) to relocation Taiwan MicroChips producer company to the United States to create jobs? And why doesn't Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen have any disgraceful or cares about Taiwanese people feeling for not wishing to lose the MicroChips producer jobs in this Pandemic time? I believe the Chinese Traitors have shown their's true colour for not really wishing to help Taiwanese people interest at all. And the Chinese Traitors are not afraid to harm Taiwanese people lives when they are helping their's bitchy Japanese Masters to build anti-Chinese ploy in Taiwan.