國有財產e點靈, 台北市。 40,186 個讚 · 205 人正在談論這個 · 53 個打卡次。【國有財產e點靈】是財政部國有財產署的官方粉絲專頁! 將會不定期提供好康活動及國產資訊喔>///< 如有陳情、申訴、檢舉及申請等案件,請至國產署官網(www.fnp.gov.tw)便民服務或溝通橋樑唷!
台中地區的朋友 注意囉!
歡迎投標或撥打諮詢專線04-23025353轉1305。 All those living in the Taichung area are herewith earnestly advised.
The tender for… 更多 the 43th batch of 2021 of national non-public use real estate by the Central Region Branch of the National Property Administration will be opened on November 4, 2021. 10 properties in East District, North District, Beitun District, Taiping District, Qingshui District, Shalu District, and Dajia District of Taichung City will be available in the tender.
Bidders are welcome, or please call the consultation hotline at 04-23025353 ext. 1305.