柯文哲, 台北市。 1,993,415 個讚 · 60,128 人正在談論這個。 ECMO,外科重症,臺北市長,興趣是建立制度解決問題
今天是台灣與宏都拉斯建交八十週年的日子。這八十年來,我們透過緊密的合作,促進雙方在文化以及經濟上的交流。 在全球面臨疫情之際,台北作為台灣的首都,我們持續與世界分享台北市成功的防疫經驗。於此同時,我們希望與宏都拉斯共同攜手對抗疫情,來體現我們與宏都拉斯的友誼與支持。 誠摰的恭賀,宏都拉斯與台灣建交80周年,期待下一個80年更豐富精采。 Taiwan has established diplomatic… 更多 relations with Honduras for eighty years. Over the past 80 years, the two countries have been working closely to promote our cultural and economic ties. As the world is suffering from the Pandemic, Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, is sharing its successful epidemic prevention experience with many cities around the world. In this regards, Taipei would like to strengthen the collaboration with cities of Honduras in combatting COVID-19 to show our appreciation to Honduras friendship and support. Happy 80th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Taiwan and Honduras!
  • 何汶慧