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哈佛醫學院最新研究結果表示,冠狀病毒有可能更早就在中國爆發~ 他們觀察商用衛星照片,統計武漢五間主要大型醫院的交通流量發現,從2019年夏末初秋開始,大型醫院附近的車子,跟2018年比起來,戲劇性的大幅增加! Coronavirus may have been in China in early fall, satellite data suggests(ABC) Dramatic spikes in auto… 更多 traffic around major hospitals in Wuhan last fall suggest the novel coronavirus may have been present and spreading through central China long before the outbreak was first reported to the world, according to a new Harvard Medical School study. https://abcnews.go.com/International/satellite-data-suggests-coronavirus-hit-china-earlier-researchers/story?id=71123270

Satellite data suggests coronavirus may have hit China earlier: Researchers

After analyzing satellite imagery, researchers say surge in cars at hospitals in Wuhan, China may indicate outbreak in the fall.
  • 吳孟德
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