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『#臺灣退稅Taiwan Tax Refund 』APP上架囉!歡迎下載 🥳🥳🥳
👍下載APP購物退稅 真便利!
👌三大特點 一次告訴您:
❶貼心便利 退稅紀錄一目了然
❷即時顯示 人氣商品絕不漏買
❸隨時從容 領款優雅登機
Android版本:https://reurl.cc/OqpbzD… 更多
iOS版本: https://apple.co/353btIe 《Tax information》
『#Taiwan Tax Refund 』APP is on the shelf. Welcome to download.🥳🥳🥳
Your best partner 💁‍♂️💁‍♀️for tax refund shopping when traveling in Taiwan!
👍Refunded shopping is so easy with Taiwan Tax Refund APP!
👌3 Special Features:
❶Easy access to your refund records! Browse all your refund history at a glance with just one easy click.
❷Complete tax refund store information! Never miss all the must-buy goodies from the surrounding tax refund stores!
❸Convenient reservation to claim your refund. Now you can make a reservation to claim your refund anytime, anywhere before getting to the airport.
iOS: https://apple.co/353btIe