國有財產e點靈, 台北市。 40,186 個讚 · 205 人正在談論這個 · 53 個打卡次。【國有財產e點靈】是財政部國有財產署的官方粉絲專頁! 將會不定期提供好康活動及國產資訊喔>///< 如有陳情、申訴、檢舉及申請等案件,請至國產署官網(www.fnp.gov.tw)便民服務或溝通橋樑唷!
#國產署與社團法人台灣石虎保育協會攜手保育珍貴國寶 本署將提供苗栗縣通霄鎮楓樹窩段266-1地號國有土地予社團法人台灣石虎保育協會認養作石虎棲地保育使用,並另提供通霄鎮地區約41筆國有土地供石虎協會評估一併認養,以共同維護石虎生態環境,為石虎保育盡一份心力。
NPA and LCAT preserve national-treasure species together
National Property… 更多 Administration (NPA) offers national land located at parcel No. 266-1, Fengshuwo Section, Dongxiao Town, Miaoli County, for the Leopard Cat Association of Taiwan (LCAT) to adopt for habitat preservation for Taiwan leopard cats. NPA also provides about 41 lots of national land in Dongxiao Town for LCAT to assess the possibility of adoption, in order to maintain the habitat ecology for Taiwan leopard cats to contribute for the preservation of this Taiwan endemic species.