台灣就業通 TaiwanJobs WDA, 新北市 (New Taipei City) 。 162,003 個讚 · 2,925 人正在談論這個。大家好,我是賈伯斯(Jobs),是「台灣就業通」粉絲團的代言人,歡迎各位粉絲一起加入我們的行列,讓賈伯斯家族幫助您上臉書也能輕輕鬆鬆找到好工作!
😉為了協助現為或曾為外籍配偶及大陸籍配偶等對象考取技術士證,技能檢定🔹美容、🔹女子美髮、🔹中餐烹調、🔹烘焙食品、🔹保母人員、🔹照顧服務員等職類提供國語口唸學科試題服務🗣 ✍️自109年度全國技術士技能檢定第三梯次起,再增加堆高機操作及固定式起重機操作等2個職類!歡迎有需求的新住民朋友在報名時一併提出申請🙋‍ 📢第三梯次報名期間109年8月27日至9月7日!
✨相關資訊可至勞動力發展署技能檢定中心網站查詢:👉… 更多https://www.wdasec.gov.tw/News.aspx?n=6D6C30252F262A87&sms=DD855C7DF840A224 ☎️服務專線:04-22599545 To assist applicants who currently are or have been foreign or mainland China spouses sitting for skills certificate test, Ministry of labor will offer oral test project service for the following class C (single) level: Beauty, women's hairdressing, Chinese cuisine cooking, baked cakes or bread, babysitters, caregivers, fixed crane operation-overhead (on-board operation or ground operation),and stacker operation. Welcome new immigrants applying the oral test project service when registering for the 3rd skills certification test from Aug.27 to Sep.7 this year.