竹科大小事是科技部新竹科學園區管理局所設立的,提供管理局與民眾或園區廠商互動/分享/溝通 竹科大小事之管道,亦希望粉絲朋友們,記得要常至本專區參與及互動,熱絡粉絲專頁。 300091 新竹市東區新安路2號
🚀創新創業與國際並進~💖TFT 台灣優勢感測
科技部率80組新創前進美國2020 CES展(1/7-1/10)
WOW~看見竹科14組新創在2020 CES 台灣館
分享 Taiwan Tech Arena - TTA 台灣科技新創基地
【🇺🇸 CES 2020: TTA Startup Teams - Taiwan User-Friendly Sensor & Tech🚀】<br> In 🇺🇸 the U.S., over 200,000 people have an emergency situation due to 🥜food allergies and more than US$25 billion 💵 is spent on food… 更多 allergy related healthcare per year. Taiwan User-Friendly Sensor & Tech wants to change to this.<br>  <br> They have developed the Test Food Allergen Detection System, TADs, it consists of a portable device, extraction channel, and an APP for testing food allergens. It produce high sensitivity results(R^2=0.995) in 2 minutes and build up a personal system by connecting the device with 📱smartphones.<br>  <br> Taiwan User-Friendly Sensor & Tech will be showcasing their products at CES 2020 Eureka Park! ➤… 更多