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#國防大學 #理工學院 #維吉尼亞軍校暑期交換生 #訪華心得
… 更多 My trip to Taiwan was an amazing adventure. Exploring Kaoshiung, Tamsui, Tainan, Taipei, and the rest of Taiwan with friends from CCIT was an awesome experience! Special thanks to the professors of CCIT for taking such good care of me! I return to VMI with so many new interests and knowledge that I plan to use in the future. Thanks to Allison, Ken, Allen, Harvey, Shawn, Michael, Josh, Bob and everyone I met at CCIT for giving me the best time in Taiwan. 這三週的旅程是令我驚艷的冒險,這段時間理工的同學陪著我到高雄、淡水、臺南、臺北和其他地方探險! 特別感謝國防大學理工學院的老師們認真教學、及課外的照顧。我將帶著在這學習到的知識及美好的經驗回到維吉尼亞軍校,將所學在未來加以運用。 感謝 王尹、許凱勛、蔡宗邑、黃哈維、夏國豪、楊德元、林謙宥、張恆及所有我在理工所遇到的人,他們帶給我在臺灣的一段美好時光。