教育部青年發展署, 台北市。 37,210 個讚 · 46 人正在談論這個 · 682 個打卡次。以「建構多元學習平臺,培育青年成為創新改革的領航者」做為未來施政願景,重視青年人力資源與運用,強調以「正規教育接銜,多元體驗學習」的功能與主體性,業務主要分為以下三部分:...
🎉🎉🎉國立清華大學「貝里斯國際志工資訊教育服務團」獲獎拉~~~📣📣📣 深耕9年的⭕️國立清華大學貝里斯國際志工資訊教育服務團,由🌞貝里斯副總理法博親自頒贈❤️「貝里斯青年獎」之🎖️「國際志工服務獎」,是首次榮獲此一殊榮之外國團體,除了肯定團隊的服務外,更體現臺貝雙方人民間之深厚情誼。👍️👍️👍️
分享 Taiwan in Belize 覺得感激──在 Belize City Civic Center 。
Congratulations to the “Educational Service Group” from Taiwan National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) for being accorded the “Belize Youth Awards 2019”from Hon. Patrick Faber, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister… 更多 of Education held at Belize Youth Awards Ceremony on November 29, 2019. Since 2011, NTHU’s “Educational Service Group” organized and prepared voluntary students from the university to host summer camp for Belizean students from schools in variant districts. They also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Youth Services of the Ministry of Education to enable selective Belizean students to continue their education. Before making their annual trip to Belize, members… 更多