國發會, 台北市。 104,096 個讚 · 445 人正在談論這個 · 1,088 個打卡次。國家發展策略運籌總部 2015年起,國家發展委員會(簡稱:國發會)將在facebook與大家互動,讓意見溝通與交流更為直接、即時,盼您和國發會一同集思廣益,為台灣擘劃方向。
國發會陳主委美伶今(18)日受邀出席由花旗(台灣)銀行與Fulbright Taiwan學術交流基金會共同舉辦的「推動英語辯論教育 培養批判思維」記者會;這是政府推動雙語國家政策以來,首次由多個民間相關單位主動提議合作推動的計畫,非常有意義。國發會主委陳美伶感謝相關單位合力推動雙語國家政策,未來也相當期待雙語國家政策可以結合更多民間單位,透過公私協力,逐步達成2030年打造台灣成為雙語國家之願景。 NDC… 更多 Minister Chen was invited to attend the Press Conference on “Promoting English Debate Education, Cultivating Critical Thinking," jointly organized by Citibank (Taiwan) and Fulbright Taiwan, Foundation for Scholarly Exchange on September 18. As the government has been promoting the Bilingual National 2030 policy, it is very meaningful at this juncture that these private organizations have jointly proposed such an initiative for the very first time. NDC Minister Chen expressed her gratitude to these private organizations jointly promote the Bilingual National 2030 policy. She expected more and more private organizations can work together with the government agencies to promote the policy to gradually develop Taiwan into Bilingual Nation by 2030. #國發會 #NDC #雙語國家 #英語辯論 #BilingualNation