南區國稅局, 台南市。 69,578 個讚 · 133 人正在談論這個 · 5,124 個打卡次。歡迎您按「讚」獲取本局宣導活動、講習會、新聞等資訊! 如果有檢舉或國稅疑慮時,建議至本局官網/服務園地/民意交流/意見信箱反映; 或撥打本局電話 06-2223111、免付費電話0800-000-321洽詢
2020 Tax Return
分享 臺北國稅局 稅務小精靈
<2020 Alien Individual Income Tax Return><br> Please confirm whether the ARC No. you used to file the tax return is the same as the one you used for your bank/post office account, which is provided for tax payment or refund purpose.<br> https://reurl.cc/bzoxZE