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Classic of Chinese literature- The Injustice to Dou E(Snow in Midsummer) 前幾天分享了《白蛇傳》,大家還喜歡嗎?今天再來帶大家閱讀一篇也是由經典文學改編的短篇故事-竇娥冤
這個故事是描寫弱小的寡婦竇娥(Dou… 更多 E),在無賴-張驢兒陷害下,成為殺人兇手,被判斬首示眾。臨刑前,滿腔悲憤的竇娥許下三樁誓願:血濺白練,六月飛雪,大旱三年。果然,竇娥冤屈感天動地,三樁誓願一一實現。
這篇故事也體現了古代時,底層人民有苦無處訴說的悲慘處境,控訴了貪官草菅人命的黑暗現實,生動刻畫出竇娥這個女性形象,非常值得外籍學生們閱讀的一篇經典! The story follows a child bride turned widow, Dou E, who is wrongly convicted of crimes by a corrupt court official for actions perpetrated by a rejected suitor, Mule Zhang. After her execution, three prophesied phenomena occur to prove her innocence, including blood raining from the sky, snow in June and a three-year drought. After a visit from the ghost of Dou E, her father eventually brings the corrupt court official, a doctor and Mule Zhang to justice, thereby vindicating his daughter. Today, the phrase "snowing in June" is still widely used among Chinese speakers as a metaphor for a miscarriage of justice. Let’s take a look for more details about‘ The Injustice to Dou E ‘lhttp://biweekly.huayuworld.org/index/2016/749?page=06#749-6-16

