悠遊中科, 台中市。 6,372 個讚 · 24 人正在談論這個 · 7 個打卡次。悠遊中科是中部科學園區管理局所設立的,提供管理局與民眾或園區廠商互動、分享、溝通之管道。 住址:40763 台中市西屯區中科路2號 上班時間:每週一至週五上班時間:08:00-18:00
🌮Key update on 7/11🥙
Taiwan reported 28 indigenous cases and 3 imported cases today.
Taichung reported 1 indigenous case and 1 imported case today.
🧬The indigenous case, case 15340, was covered in yesterday's… 更多 update. His source of infection is unclear, and investigations are still ongoing. All 9 people currently being monitored in connection with this case are in home isolation, and all tested negative.
🧼Case 15342 is a male in his thirties. He returned to Taiwan from Dubai on 8 July. He was immediately tested at the airport, and his results were revealed to be positive yesterday. He has no footprints in Taichung.
🧼Case 15341, reported yesterday, turned out to be a false positive.
⚠️A case from Changhua has footprints in Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store.
Yesterday, 156 people tested negative at community rapid testing stations in Taichung.