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英語小天使說:V + V-ing 與 V + to V 意義不同
try I tried holding my breath. 我試了憋氣。 I tried drinking a whole glass of water while I held my breath.
我試了憋氣喝整杯水。 If you want to lose weight, you can try eating less.… 更多
如果你想減肥,你可以試試看少吃一點。 I know I’m fat and I am trying to lose some weight.
我知道我很胖,而且我正在努力減肥。 Peggy tried to reach a book on the top shelf, but she couldn’t.
Peggy想要拿最上一層架子上的書,可是搆不到。 She tried standing on a stool, but she still couldn’t reach it.
她試著站在小板凳上去拿,可是還是沒辦法拿到。 She tried standing on chair, and finally she got it.
她試著站在椅子上,終於拿到了。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~