林靜儀醫師 溫柔堅定新中二。 203,687 個讚 · 20,400 人正在談論這個。政治工作者,臨床醫師,斜槓寫作與國際醫療、性別平等
這二年TECO舉辦了好幾場關於SDGs永續發展目標的研習和研討會,不論在環境議題、性別議題,都能夠讓台灣實質的與國際對話,也讓更多國際友人看見台灣願意且足以擔任全球此些議題的一份子。 #TaiwanCanHelp
分享 Taiwan in New York 駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處
An expert panel discussed the importance of women leadership at the #GenderEquality event at TECO-NY on March 13. 🔹 Denise Scotto, VP and UN Representative of Fédération Internationale des Femmes des Carrières… 更多 Juridiques, pointed to women leadership as the key to #democracy, #humanrights and women’s advancement. 🔹 M.D. Ching-Yi Lin 林靜儀 醫師.立法委員, a legislator in Taiwan, explained that despite policies and laws, #glassceilings are sometimes rooted in culture and can only be broken by action. Women in leadership positions serve as role models to inspire women and girls to reach beyond those ceilings and live to their full potential. 🔹 Julia Maciel González, VP of the UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, said that women are creators, innovators, and good administrators. Bringing women into the decision-making process as #partners is crucial for the implementation of the #2030Agenda. #GlobalGoals #SDG5 Photo credit: Ken Quang & Adam Yi